Fireman Ferdinand C. Roh

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Fireman Ferdinand C. Roh, was appointed to The Newark Fire department on 12/15/1904 and was assigned to Engine 12. On 1/19/1905, he transferred to Engine 18 as an original member. On 7/1/1906, he transferred to Engine 19 when it was placed in service and became one of its drivers. On 7/12/1906, F/M Roh was exercising a green team on Frelinghuysen Avenue when they were frightened by a passing trolley car and bolted. The team sprinted wildly over the macadam road and hit a rut. F/M Roh was jolted from the seat and fell to the pavement. He held onto the reins preventing the horses from crashing into several vehicles and a trolley car. Although he was being battered, he stuck to his post and when he knew he was weakening he steered the team into a trolley pole and the race ended. F/M Roh was brought to the hospital in critical condition and one month later he was sent home. On 2/1/1907, he was placed on pension disability. On 5/8/1907, he died from his injuries. He was 30 years old at the time of his death

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